Alaris® EtCO2 module
Topic 5: Responding to Alarms
Low Respiratory Rate Alarms - Responding to Alarms
Using the "APIE" Nursing Process1
- Respiratory distress or shortness of breath
- Overmedicated
and/or increased sedation
- Were PCA doses recently increased2
- Manually assess
RR (count one full minute without stimulating patient)3
- Wrong
cannula selection (oral breathing versus nasal breathing)4
- Snoring
or possible obstruction (poor head/neck alignment)
- Unauthorized
use of PCA (PCA by proxy)
- Cannula not connected correctly to
patient or EtCO2 module
- Review PCA doses & physicians orders
- Review RR and EtCO2 waveform
- Review PCA/EtCO2 trend data for previous alarm/history
- Always follow hospital protocols
- Adjust PCA therapy
as needed/ordered
- Reposition/apply correct cannula
- Consult RT/MD/other
clinical resources
- Re-educate family/patient on unauthorized PCA
button use (PCA by proxy)
- Improve airway obstruction/positioning
Reevaluate patient
- response (RR & EtCO2 waveform)
- pain level
- sedation level
- unauthorized use of PCA
- airway management (snoring, obstruction)
- cannula placement
1Brunner & Suddarth’s
Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing 9th edition. Smltzer, S.C. & Bare,
B.G. Ed. (2000). p. 29 Lippincott
2McCaffery, M., Pasero, C Pain Clinical Manual, Second Edition
(1999) Mosby.
3Macintrye, P.E., Ready B.L. Acute Pain Management A Practical
Guide Second Edition (2002). W.B. Saunders.
4Education PAK for Critical Care and Procedural Sedation CD-ROM
Needham, MA Oridion Medical 2003.