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Sunday, February 16, 2025   5:46 AM    |   65°F


Marie Adorno, PhD, APRN, CNS, RNC-MNN, CNE
Interim Director of the PhD in Nursing Program,
Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing


Phone: 504-568-5206

Office: 347

Office Hours:

By appointment

Research Interests

Student Success, Higher Education for Nurses, Qualitative Methods, Women's Health, Leadership, Maternal-Newborn Population, Pre and Post Surgical Care


Marie Adorno is the Interim Director of the PhD in Nursing Program and is an Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans School of Nursing. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. She earned a Master of Science in Nursing in Parent Child Health from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Higher Educational Administration from the University of New Orleans.

Dr. Adorno is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Maternal-Child Nursing and is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. She is certified as a Maternal Newborn Nurse from the National Certification Corporation for the Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing Specialties. She is also certified by the National League for Nursing as a Certified Nurse Educator and is certified as a systematic reviewer for the Joanna Briggs Institute. 

Dr. Adorno has served as Course Coordinator for Health Assessment Theory, Health Assessment Lab, and Introduction to Professional Nursing for Undergraduate Baccalaureate Students. She is co-coordinator of the Mentoring Undergraduate Students for Excellence in Scholarship (MUSES) Program for undergraduate nursing students. She also serves as Mentor for the MUSES program. She teaches Theory Development in Nursing to graduate students in the DNP program and serves as a DNP project team member to assist students with implementation of their DNP projects. She is also a faculty advisor, Major Professor, and dissertation committee member for PhD in Nursing Students.

She has clinical experience in surgery, ICU step-down, and Mother-Baby units as a staff nurse. She is active in nursing professional organizations. She is the Past President of the Epsilon Nu Chapter of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and maintains membership in the American Nurses Association, Louisiana State Nurses Association, New Orleans District Nurses Association (NODNA), National League for Nursing, Southern Nursing Research Society, National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists and Association of Women's Health, Obstetric & Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN).

She has served as Faculty Advisor of Sigma Theta Tau and as President of the NODNA Organization. The NODNA organization recognized her as one of the 1999 Great 100 Nurses. In March 2015, she was an Item Writer for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Dr. Adorno was an Associate in the Teaching Academy at LSUHSC and a board member of the Academy's Executive Council. She received the Excellence in Nursing for Beyond the Bedside for Academic School of Nursing Educator Award in 2023. She is currently a Corresponding Member of the Research Advisory Panel for the National Association of Women's Health, Obstetric & Neonatal Nurses.

Dr. Adorno is also a member of the joint LSU Health School of Nursing and UMC Nursing Research and Evidence Based Council and a member of Children's Hospital Evidence Based Research Council. Her role as a consultant/member of research advisory councils for local hospitals facilitates collaboration of nursing research and evidence-based practices in the academic and clinical settings. Dr. Adorno has presented as a guest speaker for the Nurse Residency Program in Louisiana: Utilizing Evidence Based Practice and Research in the clinical setting.




Adorno, M., Maher-Griffiths, C., & Abadie, H.  (2022). HELLP syndrome. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America34(3). 277-288. doi: 10.1016/j.cnc.2022.04.009.

Adorno, M., Kensler, P., & Tartavoulle, T. (2022). Understanding academic success from the perspective of nursing students: A qualitative study. Nursing Education Perspectives. Advance online publication.

Adorno, M. & Bennett, M.J. (2020, April). Keeping up with the evidence for practice: The JBI approach. The Louisiana Pelican News, 76(2), p. 6.

Adorno, M. & Bennett, M.J. (2019, October). Ensuring the best available evidence is implemented in practice. The Louisiana Pelican News, 75(4), p.  18.

Freundlich, A., Adorno, M., & Badeaux, J. (2019). Effectiveness of sugammadex versus neostigmine on post-operative nausea and vomiting, in adult patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery, paralyzed with rocuronium; systematic review protocol. JBISRIR-2017-003997R3

Adorno, M. (2018). Management of sepsis in the obstetrical patient. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. 30, 3. 415-422, https: 

Tartavoulle, T., Adorno, M., Garbee, D., Kensler, P., Manning, J., & Pierce, S. (2018).  Predictors of success in BSN students. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 15(1), 1-8.


Adorno, M. (2017). Delegation: Legal aspects. MEDSURG Nursing: Journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. 26(5): 12-13.

Adorno, M., Garbee, D., & Marix, M. (2016). Advanced literature searches. Clinical Nurse Specialist: The International Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice, 30(3), 141-144.doi: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000196

Adorno, M., Garbee, D., & Marix, M. (2016). Improving literature searches. Clinical Nurse Specialist:    The International Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice, 30(2), 74-80. doi: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000187



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