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Instrument Repository Database

TitleAuthorsInstrumentsPsychometricsInstruments NamesJournal ReferenceYear
Development of an Instrument to Measure Patient Perception of the Quality of Nursing CareDozier, A., Kitzman, HJ., Ingersoll, G., Holmberg, S., Schultz, A.NoYesPatient Perception of Hospital Experience with Nurisng (PPHEN)Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 506-517.2001
Measuring Stigma in People With HIV: Psychometric Assessment of the HIV Stigma ScaleBerger, B., Ferrans, C., Lashley, F.NoYesHIV Stigma ScaleResearch in Nursing & Health, 24, 518-529.2001
Preferences for Care Near the End of Life: Scale Development and ValidationGauthier, D., Froman, R.NoYesPreferences for Care near the End of Life scale (PCEOL)Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 298-306.2001
Development and Testing of the Patient Expectations and Satisfaction with Prenatal Care InstrumentOmar, M., Schiffman, R., Bingham, C.YesYesPatient Expectations and Satisfaction with Prenatal Care (PESPC)Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 218-229.2001
Development of the Misener Niurse Practitioner Job Satisfaction ScaleMisener, T., Cox, D.YesYesMisener Nurse Practitioner Job Satisfaction Scale (MNPJSS)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9(1), 91-1082001
Psychometric Testing of the Depressive Cognition Scale in Women With Type 2 DiabetesZauszniewski, J., Chung, C., Krafcik, K., Sousa, V.NoYesDepressive Cognition Scale (DCS)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9(1), 61-72.2001
The Elder Image Scale: A Method for Indexing History and Emotion in Family CaregivingPhillips, L., Brewer, B., Torres de Ardon, E.NoYesElder Image Scale (EIS)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9(1), 23-47.2001
Development of the Perceived Multiple Role Stress ScaleGigliotti, E.YesYesPerceived Multiple Role Stress ScaleJournal of Nursing Measurement, 9(2), 163-180.2001
Reliability and Validity Testing of the Revised 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey in Older AdultsResnick, B., Nahm, E.NoYesSF-12 Short Form Health SurveyJournal of Nursing Measurement, 9(2), 151-161.2001
Measurement of Parenting Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectancy Related to Discussions About SexDiIorio, C., Dudley, W., Wang, D., Wasserman, J., Eichler, M., Belcher, L., West-Edwards, C.NoYes Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9(2), 135-149.2001
Psychometric Properties of the "Modified Transplant Symptom Occurrence and Symptom Distress Scale"Moons, P., De Geest, S., Versteven, K., Abraham, I., Vlaminck, H., Moens, G., Waer, M.NoYesModified Transplant Symptom Occurrence and Symptom Distress ScaleJournal of Nursing Measurement, 9(2), 115-134.2001
The Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Ethical Issues ScaleFry, S., Duffy, M.NoYesEthical Issues Scale (EIS)Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 33(3), 273-277.2001
Testing a Model of Exercise Behavior in Older AdultsResnick, B.NoYes Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 83-92.2001
Pychometric Evaluation of the Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale Among Korean Adults with Chronic DiseasesShin, Y., Jang, HJ., Pender, N.NoYesExercise Self-Efficacy ScaleResearch in Nursing & Health, 24, 68-76.2001
Valuing People as Individuals: Development of an Instrument through a Survey of Person-Centerdness in Secondary CareCoyle, J., Williams, B.YesYes Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(3), 450-459.2001
Psychometric Evaluation of Breast Health Behavior Questionnaire: Spanish VersionWells, J., Bush, H., Marshall, D.NoYesBreast Health Behavior QuestionnaireCancer Nursing, 24(4), 320-327.2001
Measuring Consumer Experiences With Primary CareCassady, C., Starfield, B., Hurtado, M., Berk, R., Nanda, J., Friedenberg, L.NoYesPrimary Care Assessment Tool--Child Edition (PCAT-CE)Pediatrics, 105(4), 998-1004.2000
An Instrument to Measure Symptom Experience: Symptom Occurrence and Symptom DistressRhodes, V., McDaniel, R., Homan, S., Johnson, M., Madsen, R.NoYesAdapted Symptom Distress Scale-2 (ASDS-2)Cancer Nursing, 23(1), 49-54.2000
Measuring Imaging Ability: Psychometric Testing of the Imaging Ability QuestionnaireKwekkeboom, K.NoYesImaging Ability QuestionnaireResearch in Nursing & Health, 23, 301-309.2000
Development of a Measure of Resident Satisfaction with the Nursing HomeRyden, M., Gross, C., Savik, K., Snyder, M., Oh, HL., Jang, Y., Wang, J., Krichbaum, K.YesYesSatisfaction with the Nursing Home Instrument (SNHI)Research in Nursing & Health, 23, 237-245.2000
The Reliability and Validity of Two Health Status Measures for Evaluating Outcomes of Home Care NursingIrvine, D., O'Brien-Pallas, L., Murray, M., Cockerill, R., Sidani, S., Laurie-Shaw, B., Lochhaas-Gerlach, J.NoYesMedical Outcome Study Short Form (SF-36); Quality of Life Profile: Senior Version (QOLPSV)Research in Nursing & Health, 23, 43-54.2000
An Instrument to Measure Professional Nursing ValuesWeis, D., Schank, M.NoYesNursing Professional Values Scale (NPVS)Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 32(2), 210-204.2000
Psychometric Testing of Fatigue Instruments for Use With Cancer PatientsMeek, P., Nail, L., Barsevick, A., Schwartz, A., Stephen, S., Whitmer, K., Beck, S., Jones, L., Walker, B.NoYesProfile of Mood States Short Form fatigue subscale (F_POMS-sf); Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF); Lee Fatigue Scale (LFS); Mutidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI)Nursing Research, 49(4), 181-190.2000
Validity and Reliability of a Practice-Based Infant Pain AssessmentFuller, B., Neu, M.NoYes Clinical Nursing Research, 9(2), 124-144.2000
An Instrument to Measure Professional Nursing ValuesWeis, D., Schank, M.NoYesNursing Professional Values Scale (NPVS)Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 32(2), 201-2042000
An Examination of Psychometric Properties of the Mini-Mental State Examination & the Standardized Mini-Mental State ExaminationPangman, V., Sloan, J., Guse, L.NoYesMini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)Applied Nursing Research, 13(4), 209-213.2000
Acute Confusion Assessment Instruments: Clinical Versus Research UsabilityRapp, C., Wakefield, B., Kundrat, M., Mentes, J., Tripp-Reimer, T., Culp, K., Mobily, P., Akins, J., Onega, L.NoYesConfusion Assessment Method (CAM); Delirium Symptom Inventory (DSI), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE); NEECHAM Confusion ScaleApplied Nursing Research, 13(1), 37-452000
The Braden Scale for Pressure Ulcer Risk: Evaluating the Predictive Validity in Black and Latino/Hispanic EldersLyder, C., Yu, C., Emerling, J., Mangat, R., Stevenson, D., Empleo-Frazier, O., McKay, J.YesYesThe Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore RiskApplied Nursing Research, 12(2), 60-68.1999
An Instrument to Measure the Attentional Demands of Community-Dwelling EldersJansen, D., Keller, M.NoYesAttentional Demands Survey (ADS)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(2), 197-214.1999
Comparison of Pain Measures in Surgical PatientsZalon, M.NoYesBrief Pain Inventory Short Form (BPI-SF); Visual Analog Scales (VAS); McGill Pain Questionnaire-Short Form (SF-MPQ)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(2), 135-152.1999
The Children's Cognitive Triad Inventory: Reliability, Validity, and Congruence With Beck's Cognitive Triad Theory of DepressionZauszniewski, J., Panitrat, R., Youngblut, J.NoYesThe Cognitive Triad Inventory for Children (CTI-C)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(2), 1999.1999
Measurement of Staff Empowerment Within Health Service OrganizationsIrvine, D., Leatt, P., Evans, M., Baker, R.NoYesThe Empowerment QuestionnaireJournal of Nursing Measurement, 7(1), 79-95.1999
Development of Instrument to Measure Community Acceptance of Nurse Practitioners and Physician AssistantsBaer, L., Baldwin, K., Sisk, R., Watts, P., Grinslade, M., Brockschmidt, B., Dinger, M., Marion, L., McCubbin, J.NoYes Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(1), 63-77.1999
Measuring Patient Satisfaction Outcomes Across Provider DisciplinesMarsh, G.NoYesThe Patient Satisfaction with Health Care Provider Scale (PSHCPS)Journal of Nurisng Measurement, 7(1), 47-62.1999
Additional Construct Validity of the Schwartz Cancer Fatigue ScaleSchwartz, A., Meek, P.YesYesSchwartz Cancer Fatigue Scale (SCFS)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(1), 35-45.1999
Reiliability and Validity Testing of the Self-Efficacy for Functional Activities ScaleResnick, B.NoYesSelf-Efficacy for Functional Activities (SEFA)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(1), 5-19.1999
A Psychometric Investigation of Scores on the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal New Form SLoo, R., Thorpe, K.NoYesWatson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal FormEducational & Psychological Measurement, 59(6), 995-1004.1999
Development and Psychometric Testing of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy ScaleDennis, C., Faux, S.NoYesBreastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale (BSES)Research in Nursing & Health, 22, 399-409.1999
Development and Testing of the Resistiveness to Care ScaleMahoney, E., Hurley, A., Volicer, L., Bell, M., Gianotis, P., Hartshorn, M., Lane, P., Lesperance, R., MacDonald, S., Novakoff, L., Rheaume, Y., Timms, R., Warden, V.NoYesResistiveness to Care Scale--Demential of the Alzheimer TypeResearch in Nursing & Health, 22, 27-38.1999
Development and Evaluation of the Osteoporosis Self-Efficacy ScaleHoran, M., Kim, K., Gendler, P., Froman, R., Patel, M.NoYesOsteoporosis Self-Efficacy Scale (OSE)Research in Nursing & Health, 21, 395-403.1998
Validation of the Quality of Life Scale: Living With HIVHolzemer, W., Spicer, J., Wilson, HS., Kemppainen, J., Coleman, C.NoYesLiving With HIV ScaleJournal of Advanced Nursing, 28(3), 622-631.1998
Measuring Impact of Nursing Intervention on Cancer Patients' Ability to Control SymptomsBenor, D., Delbar, V., Krulik, T.NoYesSymptom Control Assessment (SCA)Cancer Nursing, 21(5), 320-334.1998
Self-Care Agency: The Concept and How It Is MeasuredCarter, P.NoNoThe Exercise of Self-Care Agency Scale (ESCA); The Denyes' Self-Care Agency Instrument (DSCAI); Denyes Self-Care Practice Instrument (DSCPI); Perception of Self-Care Agency Questionnaire (PSCA); The Appraisal of Self-Care Agency Scale (ASA)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(2), 195-207.1998
Development of a Scale to Measure Information Needs in Cancer CareDegner, L., Davison, B., Sloan, J., Mueller, B.NoYesThe Information Needs MeasureJournal of Nursing Measurement, 6(2), 137-153.1998
Psychometric Assessment of Four Fatigue Scales With a Sample of Rural Cancer PatientsWinstead-Fry, P.NoYesMultidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF); Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS); Visual Analogue Scale-Fatigue (VAS-F); Rhoten Fatigue Scale (RFS)Journal of Nurisng Measurement, 6(2), 111-122.1998
Development and Validation of the Avoidance of Environmental Tobacco Smoke ScaleMartinelli, A.NoYesThe Avoidance of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Scale (ETS)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(1), 75-86.1998
Reliability and Validity of the Functional Performance Inventory in Patients With Moderate to Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseLarson, J., Kapella, M., Covey, M., Berry, J.NoYesThe Functional Performance Inventory (FPI)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(1), 55-73.1998
An Abilities Assessment Instrument for Elderly Persons With Cognitive Impairment: Psychometric Properties and Clinical UtilityDawson, P., Wells, D., Reid, D., Sidani, S.YesYesAbilities Assessment Instrument (AAI)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(1), 35-54.1998
Measurement Characteristics of the Levels of Institutionalization Scales: Examining Reliability and ValidityBarab, S., Redman, B., Froman, R.NoYesThe Level of Institutionalization Scales (LoIn)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(1), 19-33.1998
The Index of Self-Regulation: Development and Psychometric AnalysisFleury, J.NoYesIndex of Self-RegulationJournal of Nursing Measurement, 6(1), 3-17.1998
Reliability and Validity of the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) and the Rhoten Fatigue Scale among ruual cancer outpatientsSchneider, R.NoYesMultidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20); Rhoten Fatigue ScaleCancer Nursing, 21(5), 370-373.1998
The Cognitive Appraisal of Health Scale: Development and Psychometric EvaluationKessler, T.NoYesCognitive Appraisal of Health Scale (CAHS)Research in Nursing & Health, 21, 73-82.1998
Reliability and Validity of Scores on the Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale--Teacher Version (DBRS-T)Erford, B.NoYesDisruptive Behavior Rating Scale -Teacher Version (DBRS-T)Edcuational & Psychological Measurement, 57(2), 329-340.1997
A Generation X Scale: Creation and ValidationManolis, C., Levin, A.YesYesGeneration X ScaleEducational & Psychological Measurement, 57(4), 666-685.1997
The Role of Self-Efficacy In Assissting Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease To Manage Breathing DifficultyScherer, Y., Schmieder, L.NoYesChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES)Clinical Nursing Research, 5(3), 343-356.1996
Nursing Students' Evaluation of Classroom Teaching: Developing and Testing an InstrumentCampbell-Grossman, C., Pozehl, B., Zimmerman, L.YesYesStudents' Evaluation of Faculty Teaching (SEFT)Journal of Nursing Measurement, 4(1), 49-57.1996
Development and Psychometric Evaluation of an Instrument to Measure Staff Nurses' Perception of Uncertainty in the Hospital EnvironmentSalyer, J.NoYesPerceived Environmental Uncertainty In Hospitals Scale (PEU-H)Journal of Nursing Measurment, 4(1), 33-47.1996
Measuring Expectations for Participative Decision Making Among Graduating NursesPike, E., Wilson, A., Chalykoff, G., Gilbert, E., Pauley, C., Ellis, J., Filthaut, E.NoYesParticipative Decision Making Scale for Nurses (PDMSN)Journal of Nurisng Measurement, 4(1), 19-31.1996
Development of a Culturally, Theoretically and Developmentally Based Survey Instrument for Assessing Risk Behaviors Among African-American Early Adolescents Living in Urban Low-Income NeighborhoodsStanton, B., Black, M., Feigelman, S., Ricardo, I., Galbraith, J., Xiaoming, L., Kaljee, L., Keane, V., Nesbitt, R.NoYes AIDS Education and Prevention, 7(2), 160-177.1995
Development and Validation of The Six-Factor Self-Concept Scale For AdultsStake, J.NoYesSix-Factor Self-Concept ScaleEducational & Psychological Measurement, 54(1), 56-73.1994
Development and Validation of the Parent Health Locus of Control ScalesDeVillis, R., DeVillis, B.NoYesParent Health Locus of Control Scales (PHLOC)Health Education Quarterly, 20(2), 211-226.1993
The Development of Three Scales To Measure the Supportiveness of Relationships Between Parents and Child Care ProvidersCaruso, G.NoYesCaregiver Support Appraisal Scale-V(CSA-V); Caregiver Support Appraisal Scale-P (CSA-P); Caregiver Supportive Behavior Scale (CSB)Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52(1), 149-161.1992
Development of the Self-Esteem Rating Scale for Children (Revised)Chiu, L.NoYesSelf-Esteem Rating Scale-Children (SERSC)Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 36-41.1987
Development of the Infant Tenderness ScaleBlank, D.NoYesBlank Infant Tenderness Scale (BITS)Nursing Research, 34(4), 211-216.1985