Instrument Repository Database
Title | Authors | Instruments | Psychometrics | Instruments Names | Journal Reference | Year |
Development of an Instrument to Measure Patient Perception of the Quality of Nursing Care | Dozier, A., Kitzman, HJ., Ingersoll, G., Holmberg, S., Schultz, A. | No | Yes | Patient Perception of Hospital Experience with Nurisng (PPHEN) | Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 506-517. | 2001 |
Measuring Stigma in People With HIV: Psychometric Assessment of the HIV Stigma Scale | Berger, B., Ferrans, C., Lashley, F. | No | Yes | HIV Stigma Scale | Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 518-529. | 2001 |
Preferences for Care Near the End of Life: Scale Development and Validation | Gauthier, D., Froman, R. | No | Yes | Preferences for Care near the End of Life scale (PCEOL) | Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 298-306. | 2001 |
Development and Testing of the Patient Expectations and Satisfaction with Prenatal Care Instrument | Omar, M., Schiffman, R., Bingham, C. | Yes | Yes | Patient Expectations and Satisfaction with Prenatal Care (PESPC) | Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 218-229. | 2001 |
Development of the Misener Niurse Practitioner Job Satisfaction Scale | Misener, T., Cox, D. | Yes | Yes | Misener Nurse Practitioner Job Satisfaction Scale (MNPJSS) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9(1), 91-108 | 2001 |
Psychometric Testing of the Depressive Cognition Scale in Women With Type 2 Diabetes | Zauszniewski, J., Chung, C., Krafcik, K., Sousa, V. | No | Yes | Depressive Cognition Scale (DCS) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9(1), 61-72. | 2001 |
The Elder Image Scale: A Method for Indexing History and Emotion in Family Caregiving | Phillips, L., Brewer, B., Torres de Ardon, E. | No | Yes | Elder Image Scale (EIS) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9(1), 23-47. | 2001 |
Development of the Perceived Multiple Role Stress Scale | Gigliotti, E. | Yes | Yes | Perceived Multiple Role Stress Scale | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9(2), 163-180. | 2001 |
Reliability and Validity Testing of the Revised 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey in Older Adults | Resnick, B., Nahm, E. | No | Yes | SF-12 Short Form Health Survey | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9(2), 151-161. | 2001 |
Measurement of Parenting Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectancy Related to Discussions About Sex | DiIorio, C., Dudley, W., Wang, D., Wasserman, J., Eichler, M., Belcher, L., West-Edwards, C. | No | Yes | | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9(2), 135-149. | 2001 |
Psychometric Properties of the "Modified Transplant Symptom Occurrence and Symptom Distress Scale" | Moons, P., De Geest, S., Versteven, K., Abraham, I., Vlaminck, H., Moens, G., Waer, M. | No | Yes | Modified Transplant Symptom Occurrence and Symptom Distress Scale | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9(2), 115-134. | 2001 |
The Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Ethical Issues Scale | Fry, S., Duffy, M. | No | Yes | Ethical Issues Scale (EIS) | Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 33(3), 273-277. | 2001 |
Testing a Model of Exercise Behavior in Older Adults | Resnick, B. | No | Yes | | Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 83-92. | 2001 |
Pychometric Evaluation of the Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale Among Korean Adults with Chronic Diseases | Shin, Y., Jang, HJ., Pender, N. | No | Yes | Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale | Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 68-76. | 2001 |
Valuing People as Individuals: Development of an Instrument through a Survey of Person-Centerdness in Secondary Care | Coyle, J., Williams, B. | Yes | Yes | | Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(3), 450-459. | 2001 |
Psychometric Evaluation of Breast Health Behavior Questionnaire: Spanish Version | Wells, J., Bush, H., Marshall, D. | No | Yes | Breast Health Behavior Questionnaire | Cancer Nursing, 24(4), 320-327. | 2001 |
Measuring Consumer Experiences With Primary Care | Cassady, C., Starfield, B., Hurtado, M., Berk, R., Nanda, J., Friedenberg, L. | No | Yes | Primary Care Assessment Tool--Child Edition (PCAT-CE) | Pediatrics, 105(4), 998-1004. | 2000 |
An Instrument to Measure Symptom Experience: Symptom Occurrence and Symptom Distress | Rhodes, V., McDaniel, R., Homan, S., Johnson, M., Madsen, R. | No | Yes | Adapted Symptom Distress Scale-2 (ASDS-2) | Cancer Nursing, 23(1), 49-54. | 2000 |
Measuring Imaging Ability: Psychometric Testing of the Imaging Ability Questionnaire | Kwekkeboom, K. | No | Yes | Imaging Ability Questionnaire | Research in Nursing & Health, 23, 301-309. | 2000 |
Development of a Measure of Resident Satisfaction with the Nursing Home | Ryden, M., Gross, C., Savik, K., Snyder, M., Oh, HL., Jang, Y., Wang, J., Krichbaum, K. | Yes | Yes | Satisfaction with the Nursing Home Instrument (SNHI) | Research in Nursing & Health, 23, 237-245. | 2000 |
The Reliability and Validity of Two Health Status Measures for Evaluating Outcomes of Home Care Nursing | Irvine, D., O'Brien-Pallas, L., Murray, M., Cockerill, R., Sidani, S., Laurie-Shaw, B., Lochhaas-Gerlach, J. | No | Yes | Medical Outcome Study Short Form (SF-36); Quality of Life Profile: Senior Version (QOLPSV) | Research in Nursing & Health, 23, 43-54. | 2000 |
An Instrument to Measure Professional Nursing Values | Weis, D., Schank, M. | No | Yes | Nursing Professional Values Scale (NPVS) | Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 32(2), 210-204. | 2000 |
Psychometric Testing of Fatigue Instruments for Use With Cancer Patients | Meek, P., Nail, L., Barsevick, A., Schwartz, A., Stephen, S., Whitmer, K., Beck, S., Jones, L., Walker, B. | No | Yes | Profile of Mood States Short Form fatigue subscale (F_POMS-sf); Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF); Lee Fatigue Scale (LFS); Mutidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI) | Nursing Research, 49(4), 181-190. | 2000 |
Validity and Reliability of a Practice-Based Infant Pain Assessment | Fuller, B., Neu, M. | No | Yes | | Clinical Nursing Research, 9(2), 124-144. | 2000 |
An Instrument to Measure Professional Nursing Values | Weis, D., Schank, M. | No | Yes | Nursing Professional Values Scale (NPVS) | Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 32(2), 201-204 | 2000 |
An Examination of Psychometric Properties of the Mini-Mental State Examination & the Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination | Pangman, V., Sloan, J., Guse, L. | No | Yes | Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) | Applied Nursing Research, 13(4), 209-213. | 2000 |
Acute Confusion Assessment Instruments: Clinical Versus Research Usability | Rapp, C., Wakefield, B., Kundrat, M., Mentes, J., Tripp-Reimer, T., Culp, K., Mobily, P., Akins, J., Onega, L. | No | Yes | Confusion Assessment Method (CAM); Delirium Symptom Inventory (DSI), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE); NEECHAM Confusion Scale | Applied Nursing Research, 13(1), 37-45 | 2000 |
The Braden Scale for Pressure Ulcer Risk: Evaluating the Predictive Validity in Black and Latino/Hispanic Elders | Lyder, C., Yu, C., Emerling, J., Mangat, R., Stevenson, D., Empleo-Frazier, O., McKay, J. | Yes | Yes | The Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk | Applied Nursing Research, 12(2), 60-68. | 1999 |
An Instrument to Measure the Attentional Demands of Community-Dwelling Elders | Jansen, D., Keller, M. | No | Yes | Attentional Demands Survey (ADS) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(2), 197-214. | 1999 |
Comparison of Pain Measures in Surgical Patients | Zalon, M. | No | Yes | Brief Pain Inventory Short Form (BPI-SF); Visual Analog Scales (VAS); McGill Pain Questionnaire-Short Form (SF-MPQ) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(2), 135-152. | 1999 |
The Children's Cognitive Triad Inventory: Reliability, Validity, and Congruence With Beck's Cognitive Triad Theory of Depression | Zauszniewski, J., Panitrat, R., Youngblut, J. | No | Yes | The Cognitive Triad Inventory for Children (CTI-C) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(2), 1999. | 1999 |
Measurement of Staff Empowerment Within Health Service Organizations | Irvine, D., Leatt, P., Evans, M., Baker, R. | No | Yes | The Empowerment Questionnaire | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(1), 79-95. | 1999 |
Development of Instrument to Measure Community Acceptance of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants | Baer, L., Baldwin, K., Sisk, R., Watts, P., Grinslade, M., Brockschmidt, B., Dinger, M., Marion, L., McCubbin, J. | No | Yes | | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(1), 63-77. | 1999 |
Measuring Patient Satisfaction Outcomes Across Provider Disciplines | Marsh, G. | No | Yes | The Patient Satisfaction with Health Care Provider Scale (PSHCPS) | Journal of Nurisng Measurement, 7(1), 47-62. | 1999 |
Additional Construct Validity of the Schwartz Cancer Fatigue Scale | Schwartz, A., Meek, P. | Yes | Yes | Schwartz Cancer Fatigue Scale (SCFS) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(1), 35-45. | 1999 |
Reiliability and Validity Testing of the Self-Efficacy for Functional Activities Scale | Resnick, B. | No | Yes | Self-Efficacy for Functional Activities (SEFA) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 7(1), 5-19. | 1999 |
A Psychometric Investigation of Scores on the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal New Form S | Loo, R., Thorpe, K. | No | Yes | Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Form | Educational & Psychological Measurement, 59(6), 995-1004. | 1999 |
Development and Psychometric Testing of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale | Dennis, C., Faux, S. | No | Yes | Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale (BSES) | Research in Nursing & Health, 22, 399-409. | 1999 |
Development and Testing of the Resistiveness to Care Scale | Mahoney, E., Hurley, A., Volicer, L., Bell, M., Gianotis, P., Hartshorn, M., Lane, P., Lesperance, R., MacDonald, S., Novakoff, L., Rheaume, Y., Timms, R., Warden, V. | No | Yes | Resistiveness to Care Scale--Demential of the Alzheimer Type | Research in Nursing & Health, 22, 27-38. | 1999 |
Development and Evaluation of the Osteoporosis Self-Efficacy Scale | Horan, M., Kim, K., Gendler, P., Froman, R., Patel, M. | No | Yes | Osteoporosis Self-Efficacy Scale (OSE) | Research in Nursing & Health, 21, 395-403. | 1998 |
Validation of the Quality of Life Scale: Living With HIV | Holzemer, W., Spicer, J., Wilson, HS., Kemppainen, J., Coleman, C. | No | Yes | Living With HIV Scale | Journal of Advanced Nursing, 28(3), 622-631. | 1998 |
Measuring Impact of Nursing Intervention on Cancer Patients' Ability to Control Symptoms | Benor, D., Delbar, V., Krulik, T. | No | Yes | Symptom Control Assessment (SCA) | Cancer Nursing, 21(5), 320-334. | 1998 |
Self-Care Agency: The Concept and How It Is Measured | Carter, P. | No | No | The Exercise of Self-Care Agency Scale (ESCA); The Denyes' Self-Care Agency Instrument (DSCAI); Denyes Self-Care Practice Instrument (DSCPI); Perception of Self-Care Agency Questionnaire (PSCA); The Appraisal of Self-Care Agency Scale (ASA) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(2), 195-207. | 1998 |
Development of a Scale to Measure Information Needs in Cancer Care | Degner, L., Davison, B., Sloan, J., Mueller, B. | No | Yes | The Information Needs Measure | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(2), 137-153. | 1998 |
Psychometric Assessment of Four Fatigue Scales With a Sample of Rural Cancer Patients | Winstead-Fry, P. | No | Yes | Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF); Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS); Visual Analogue Scale-Fatigue (VAS-F); Rhoten Fatigue Scale (RFS) | Journal of Nurisng Measurement, 6(2), 111-122. | 1998 |
Development and Validation of the Avoidance of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Scale | Martinelli, A. | No | Yes | The Avoidance of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Scale (ETS) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(1), 75-86. | 1998 |
Reliability and Validity of the Functional Performance Inventory in Patients With Moderate to Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | Larson, J., Kapella, M., Covey, M., Berry, J. | No | Yes | The Functional Performance Inventory (FPI) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(1), 55-73. | 1998 |
An Abilities Assessment Instrument for Elderly Persons With Cognitive Impairment: Psychometric Properties and Clinical Utility | Dawson, P., Wells, D., Reid, D., Sidani, S. | Yes | Yes | Abilities Assessment Instrument (AAI) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(1), 35-54. | 1998 |
Measurement Characteristics of the Levels of Institutionalization Scales: Examining Reliability and Validity | Barab, S., Redman, B., Froman, R. | No | Yes | The Level of Institutionalization Scales (LoIn) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(1), 19-33. | 1998 |
The Index of Self-Regulation: Development and Psychometric Analysis | Fleury, J. | No | Yes | Index of Self-Regulation | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 6(1), 3-17. | 1998 |
Reliability and Validity of the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) and the Rhoten Fatigue Scale among ruual cancer outpatients | Schneider, R. | No | Yes | Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20); Rhoten Fatigue Scale | Cancer Nursing, 21(5), 370-373. | 1998 |
The Cognitive Appraisal of Health Scale: Development and Psychometric Evaluation | Kessler, T. | No | Yes | Cognitive Appraisal of Health Scale (CAHS) | Research in Nursing & Health, 21, 73-82. | 1998 |
Reliability and Validity of Scores on the Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale--Teacher Version (DBRS-T) | Erford, B. | No | Yes | Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale -Teacher Version (DBRS-T) | Edcuational & Psychological Measurement, 57(2), 329-340. | 1997 |
A Generation X Scale: Creation and Validation | Manolis, C., Levin, A. | Yes | Yes | Generation X Scale | Educational & Psychological Measurement, 57(4), 666-685. | 1997 |
The Role of Self-Efficacy In Assissting Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease To Manage Breathing Difficulty | Scherer, Y., Schmieder, L. | No | Yes | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES) | Clinical Nursing Research, 5(3), 343-356. | 1996 |
Nursing Students' Evaluation of Classroom Teaching: Developing and Testing an Instrument | Campbell-Grossman, C., Pozehl, B., Zimmerman, L. | Yes | Yes | Students' Evaluation of Faculty Teaching (SEFT) | Journal of Nursing Measurement, 4(1), 49-57. | 1996 |
Development and Psychometric Evaluation of an Instrument to Measure Staff Nurses' Perception of Uncertainty in the Hospital Environment | Salyer, J. | No | Yes | Perceived Environmental Uncertainty In Hospitals Scale (PEU-H) | Journal of Nursing Measurment, 4(1), 33-47. | 1996 |
Measuring Expectations for Participative Decision Making Among Graduating Nurses | Pike, E., Wilson, A., Chalykoff, G., Gilbert, E., Pauley, C., Ellis, J., Filthaut, E. | No | Yes | Participative Decision Making Scale for Nurses (PDMSN) | Journal of Nurisng Measurement, 4(1), 19-31. | 1996 |
Development of a Culturally, Theoretically and Developmentally Based Survey Instrument for Assessing Risk Behaviors Among African-American Early Adolescents Living in Urban Low-Income Neighborhoods | Stanton, B., Black, M., Feigelman, S., Ricardo, I., Galbraith, J., Xiaoming, L., Kaljee, L., Keane, V., Nesbitt, R. | No | Yes | | AIDS Education and Prevention, 7(2), 160-177. | 1995 |
Development and Validation of The Six-Factor Self-Concept Scale For Adults | Stake, J. | No | Yes | Six-Factor Self-Concept Scale | Educational & Psychological Measurement, 54(1), 56-73. | 1994 |
Development and Validation of the Parent Health Locus of Control Scales | DeVillis, R., DeVillis, B. | No | Yes | Parent Health Locus of Control Scales (PHLOC) | Health Education Quarterly, 20(2), 211-226. | 1993 |
The Development of Three Scales To Measure the Supportiveness of Relationships Between Parents and Child Care Providers | Caruso, G. | No | Yes | Caregiver Support Appraisal Scale-V(CSA-V); Caregiver Support Appraisal Scale-P (CSA-P); Caregiver Supportive Behavior Scale (CSB) | Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52(1), 149-161. | 1992 |
Development of the Self-Esteem Rating Scale for Children (Revised) | Chiu, L. | No | Yes | Self-Esteem Rating Scale-Children (SERSC) | Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 36-41. | 1987 |
Development of the Infant Tenderness Scale | Blank, D. | No | Yes | Blank Infant Tenderness Scale (BITS) | Nursing Research, 34(4), 211-216. | 1985 |