St. Germain, DNP, RN, CEN
Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing - Adjunct
Email: dstge3@lsuhsc.edu
Research Interests
Forensic Nursing, Human Trafficking, Injury Prevention
Dr. St. Germain's primary areas of practice are emergency nursing, forensic nursing, and intensive care nursing. She has many years of experience in a level I trauma center in the emergency department and trauma step-down unit. Also, she currently works as a sexual assault nurse examiner and has worked as a death investigator in a local coroner's office, nurse examiner in a local child abuse evaluation center, and legal nurse consultant. She is the state president of the Louisiana Chapter of the International Association of Forensic Nurses. In addition, she is chairperson on the Training and Evaluation Committee for the Greater New Orleans Human Trafficking Task Force and is a member of the State Human Trafficking Commission Task Force for Adult Sex Trafficking Prevention.
Current areas of undergraduate teaching are emergency nursing, forensic nursing, and critical care nursing. Past areas of teaching have included medical-surgic al nursing, pediatric nursing, nursing management in healthcare, foundations in nursing, health assessment, and psychiatric nursing.