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Saturday, March 29, 2025   4:24 AM    |   70°F


William Barras, DNP, CRNA
Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing


Phone: 504-568-4141

Office: 154


Dr. William Paul Barras is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing in the Nurse Anesthesia Program. Dr. Barras is the Course Coordinator for LSUHSC NURS 7407 and 7408 (Advanced Pharmacology for Nurse Anesthesia I and II), NURS 7423 (Clinical Practicum IV), and NURS 7425 (Clinical Practicum VI).  He currently maintains clinical privileges to practice Anesthesia Nursing with LCMC Anesthesia Group / Tulane University Medical Center, New Orleans, LA.

Dr. Barras holds a Doctor of Nursing Practice from Purdue University, Master of Science in Nursing Anesthesia form the University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, Master of Science in Strategic Resourcing from National Defense University, Washington D.C. and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Southwestern Louisiana.

Dr. Barras has been a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist for more than 26 years and in August 2021 retired from the U.S. Army with over 30 years of service in the Army Nurse Corps. He distinguished himself throughout his career with myriad key leadership positions to include Director of the Army Comprehensive Pain Management Program, Director of Clinical Operations U.S. Army Forces Command, Command Surgeon U.S Army Installation Management Command, and Army Surgeon General Consultant for Anesthesia Nursing. Dr. Barras has maintained his clinical acumen in anesthesia nursing throughout his career with numerous appointments to Military Medical Centers throughout the country and numerous combat deployments throughout the world. He works very closely with all cohorts of the LSUHSC Nurse Anesthesia DNP Program and serves as a didactic instructor, simulation instructor, clinical preceptor, and individual advisor.

Tobin, J. M., Barras, W. P., Bree, S., Williams, N., McFarland, C., Park, C., Steinhiser, D., Stone, R. C., Stockinger, Z. (2018). Anesthesia for trauma patients. Military Medicine Volume 183, Issue suppl 2.

Wilson, J. E., Jr, & Barras, W. P. (2016). Advances in anesthesia delivery in the deployed setting. U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, (2-16), 62–65.

Barras, P., McMasters, J., Grathwohl, K., & Blackbourne, L. H. (2009). Total intravenous anesthesia on the battlefield. U.S. Army Medical Department journal, 68–72.

Simon, C. D., Perkins, J., Barras, P., Eastridge, B., Blackbourne, L. H. (2009) Fresh frozen plasma. U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, 2009-01.

Blackbourne, L. H., Cole, J., Mabry, R., Morgan, A., Barras, P., Eastridge, B., & Holcomb, J. B. (2008). The "silent killer": Hyperventilation in the brain injured. U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, 50–55.

Blackbourne, L. H., Grathwohl, K. W., Barras, P., & Eastridge, B. (2008). Maximizing patient thermoregulation in US Army forward surgical teams. U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, 60–66.