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Honors & Awards
Ellen O. Beyer, DNP, RN, MN, MBA, PHCNS-BC, APRN,
Instructor of Clinical Nursing, has been published in the International Archives of Nursing and Health Care with an article, “Improving Practitioners’ Knowledge and Confidence to Identify High-Risk Medications with Older Adults: A Quality Improvement Intervention.”
James Foley, RN, MSN-HCSM, Instructor of Nursing, has been awarded the Nurse Recognition Award by the Northshore District Nurses Association.
Deborah Garbee, PhD, APRN, ACNS-BC, was one of
seven co-investigators whose paper, “Moving On Up: Team Training for Emergency Room Trauma Transfers,” was awarded the 2017 SimHealth Best Paper Research Award from the Australasian Simulation Congress, presented in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Judith A. Gentry, RN, MSN, OCN, CNE, Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing, has been selected as a peer reviewer for the Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing.
Gloria Giarratano, PhD, APRN, CNS, Professor of Nursing, was inducted as a member and a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.
Khaleelah Hasan, MN, RN, APHN-BC, CNE, Instructor of Nursing, has been published in the Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice with an article, “Improvement in Interprofessional Student Learning and Patient Outcomes.”
Jennifer Manning, DNS, APRN, CNS, CNE, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Nursing Programs, has been chosen to participate on the advisory committee of the American Nurses Association’s connected health/telehealth professional
issues panel.
Stephanie Pierce, PhD, MN, RN, CNE, Program Director for Baccalaureate Articulation, CARE, and Nurse Educator MSN programs, has received a number of recognitions:
• She was recognized by the LSU Health Sciences Center as a 2017 Innovator for her work to enhance the marketability of the Cornerstone of Cultural Competency During the Disaster Cycle Program that was funded by a LIFT 2 Fund grant in 2016–2017.
• She was selected as a member of the Journal of Nursing Education review panel.
• ShedidapodiumpresentationontheCornerstoneof Cultural Competency During the Disaster Cycle Program at the Southern Regional Education Board Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing in November. She will make the same presentation at the following conferences in 2018: the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Master’s Education Conference, the Global Health & Innovation Conference and the Eighteenth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations.
Demetrius Porche, DNS, PhD, ANEF, FACHE, FAANP, FAAN,
Professor and Dean of LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing, was inducted as a member and a Fellow of the National League for Nursing’s Academy of Nursing Education.
Deborah St. Germain, DNP, RN, CNE, Assistant Professor
of Clinical Nursing, was elected 2018 president of the Louisiana chapter of the International Association of Forensic Nurses. In addition, Dr. Germain also presented “Forensic Implications in Primary Care” at the Mississippi Association of Nurse Practitioners this past summer.

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