School of Nursing

Current Students


LSUHSC Balloons Dean's List
Full time undergraduate students (minimum 12 semester hours) in good academic standing completing all work attempted during a Fall and/or Spring semester with a minimum 3.5 GPA. This distinction will be noted on the academic transcript.

The Allen Copping Excellence in Teaching Award
Full time teaching faculty member. The Dean appoints a selection committee. Administrators, Department Heads and Coordinators are ineligible to receive the award.

Presented to a baccalaureate-graduating student with the highest LSU System cumulative grade point average at Fall and Spring conferral of degrees. December and May.

The Salutatorian is the baccalaureate-nursing student with the second highest LSU System GPA cumulative grade point average as an undergraduate nursing student. December and May

Highest Academic Honors CARE Program
The CARE program, known as the Career Alternative RN Education is an accelerated second-degree program for nursing students with a previously earned baccalaureate degree. The graduating CARE student with the highest LSU System cumulative grade point average in all courses will receive the Highest Academic Honors Award. GPA to be determined by Assistant Dean for Student Services. Spring - Conferral of Degrees

Academic Recognition CARE Concentration
The graduating CARE student with the second highest LSU System cumulative grade point average in all courses taken will receive the Academic Recognition Award. Spring - Conferral of Degrees

The Theresa Bittenbring Marque and John Henry Marque Fund Nursing Award
John A. Marque bestowed the Greater New Orleans Foundation with the largest gift in its history to establish the Theresa Bittenbring and John Henry Marque Fund Nursing Award. The Theresa Bittenbring and John Henry Marque fund was designed to exist in perpetuity, specifying annual gifts in the form of monetary nursing awards. LSUHNO School of Nursing is proud to be a recipient of 10 of these annual awards. The award will be presented to five Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing students and five CARE Bachelor of Science in Nursing students. Certificates will be presented by the Marque Fund Advisor. The Assistant Dean for Student Services will calculate the grades to determine the highest GPA in nursing courses. May Graduation only

The Chancellor's Award
Presented annually at Commencement to a graduating baccalaureate nursing student who has demonstrated scholastic and leadership ability and exemplifies an enthusiastic commitment to professional nursing.

Sigma Theta Tau Distinguished Graduate Award
Presented by Epsilon Nu at-Large Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing at Fall conferral of degrees and Spring commencement to a baccalaureate graduating student and to a qualified graduate student. The recipient is a member of the Epsilon Nu at-Large Chapter who demonstrates creativity and enthusiasm in nursing research, demonstrates commitment to the ideals of the nursing profession, and participates in extracurricular activities.

New Orleans District Nurses Association Student Leadership Award
Presented to an undergraduate at Fall Conferral of Degrees and May Commencement who demonstrates academic achievement; member of the Student Nurses' Association; outstanding leadership ability in professional and community service.

Dolores H. Scheerle Memorial Entrepreneurial Award
Presented to both an undergraduate and graduate student who demonstrates leadership qualities necessary of an entrepreneur, with the ability to initiate new ideas, is innovative in the approach to nursing, and is cognizant of trends and issues relevant to the nursing profession. It is presented at each Spring Commencement and Fall Conferral of Degrees.

Student Nurses Association Outstanding Graduate Award
Presented to a baccalaureate graduating student at Fall Conferral of Degrees and Spring Commencement whose outstanding accomplishments are demonstrated by leadership and participation in the nursing profession, curriculum and school.

Student Government Association Outstanding Graduate Award
Presented to a baccalaureate graduating student at Fall Conferral of Degrees and Spring Commencement who meets selected academic standards, participates in community and school activities throughout the nursing curriculum, and exhibits motivation for his/her personal professional growth.

LSUHNO School of Nursing Alumni Association Recognition of Class Spirit Award
Presented at Fall Conferral of Degrees and Spring Commencement to both an undergraduate and graduate student whose efforts and ability to carry through were always in the best interest of the class, and whose specific performance demonstrated accountability, maturity and peer support.

The Elsevier Sciences, Inc. Faculty Recognition Award
Presented to an undergraduate student for high visibility among faculty, staff and students on the basis of leadership ability in the school. May and December Graduation

F.A. Davis Award for Writing Excellence
Presented to a graduating graduate student with exceptional writing style and skill. Award is given at Fall Conferral of Degrees and Spring Commencement.

Jo Ellen Smith Memorial Award
Presented at Spring Conferral of Degrees and Fall Commencement to a baccalaureate graduating student who is recognized as humanitarian, has given service above and beyond what is required by the School, demonstrated concern for and has provided actual service to others.

Patricia A. Losee Memorial Award
Presented at May Commencement to a baccalaureate graduating student who demonstrates professionalism, conscientiousness, compassion, and a commitment to nursing. A family member presents this award.

Outstanding Doctor of Nursing Practice Award
Presented at Conferral of Degrees and Commencement to a graduate who encompasses academic achievement, scholarly activity during doctoral studies and services to the school and community.

Louisiana Association of Nurse Anesthetists (LANA) Outstanding Student Award
This award is presented at Fall Conferral of Degrees and Spring Commencement and recognizes a nurse anesthesia graduate demonstrates outstanding performance in academics, clinical ability, and leadership skills.

Nurse Anesthesia Outstanding Graduate Award
Each spring this award recognizes the graduate's contributions to the scholarly body of knowledge in nurse anesthesia, excellence in clinical and leadership abilities, and the potential for continued service to the citizens of Louisiana.

Nurse Anesthesia Program Clinical Excellence Award
This award is given each spring to recognize a graduate's excellence in clinical performance and the potential for continued service to the citizens of Louisiana.

Alice Hicks CRNA Memorial Award
Alice M. Hicks CRNA, Memorial Award-The Alice M. Hicks, CRNA, Memorial Award recognizes the graduate demonstrating the most promise to promote and support anesthesia needs in the rural community. Alice M. Hicks spent the majority of her career, over 30 years, providing nurse anesthesia care in the rural community. The award is provided by her children and dedicated to her memory.

The Nurse Anesthesia Program Directors Award
This award recognizes a nurse anesthesia graduate with an outstanding performance in academics and the potential for leadership in the field of nurse anesthesia education. The award is presented at fall conferral of degrees and spring commencement.

Stanley Hall Academic and Clinical Excellence Award
The award recognizes a student that demonstrates potential as a nurse anesthesia educator and serves as a role model for professional nurse anesthesia practice.

Outstanding Nurse Practitioner Award
Demonstrates clinical expertise, community service, and academic excellence among the nurse practitioner graduating class. May Graduation only

Reverend Dr. James A. Ertl Clinical Excellence Award
Presented at commencement to an Outstanding Family Nurse Practitioner Graduate who has exhibited clinical excellence, commitment to provision of care to minority and/or underserved population, promoted client's health, provided support to client's family and/or significant other, integrated spiritual care into primary care services and exhibits the core values of the school of Nursing.

Reverend Dr. James A. Ertl Executive Nurse Leader Award
Presented at commencement to an Outstanding Nurse Administration/Executive Nurse Leader graduate who has demonstrated leadership excellence, academic excellence. Demonstrated leadership excellence in the health care system that extend into or impacts the general wellbeing of the community and exhibits the core values of the school of Nursing.

Nurse Practitioner Leadership Award
A Nurse Practitioner Graduate who has exhibited the SON's core values, who has excellent communication skills (written and verbal), and who has lead non-academic SON related projects or tasks. May Graduation only

Nurse Practitioner Academic Excellence Award
A Nurse Practitioner Graduate who has exhibited curiosity, a passion for learning, a collaborative spirit within teams, and superior academic performance. May Graduation only

Nurse Practitioner Service Award
A Nurse Practitioner Graduate who has exhibited SON core values of organizational citizenship, stewardship, and professionalism to the school, academic-practice partner's organizations, or community at-large. May Graduation only

Outstanding Nurse Practitioner Faculty Award
A Nurse Practitioner Faculty who consistently demonstrates teaching, service, and scholarly excellence while modeling the School of Nursing Core Values and the characteristics of a doctorally prepared NP leader.

Outstanding Nursing Caring Award
Presented at Conferral of Degrees and Commencement to both an undergraduate and graduate student who encompasses the guiding principles of stewardship, organizational citizenship, nursing innovation, caring, professionalism, respect, integrity, diversity, and excellence, which are evident in all personal and professional behaviors. May and December

Mentoring Undergraduate Students for Excellence in Scholarship (MUSES)
Presented to students in the MUSES Program. Faculty promote intellectual, professional development by mentoring nursing students to grow to their full potential.

Outstanding Nursing Faculty Caring Award
The Nursing Faculty Caring Award was established to acknowledge the contribution of a faculty member who has gone above and beyond clinical expectations in working with patients and nursing students. The faculty exemplifies the Spirit of Caring in their interaction with fellow faculty, patients, and students. December Only

The Dean's Award
Presented annually to a graduating baccalaureate nursing student who has demonstrated scholastic and leadership ability and exemplifies an enthusiastic commitment to professional nursing. December Graduation only

Early Childhood & Family Learning Foundation Outstanding RN Community Award
Presented at December Conferral of Degrees to an RN to BSN graduating student who evidences achievement in Community Health Nursing, concern for humanity and involvement in professional and community organizations. December Only - No longer presented

Joyce Travelbee Award
Presented to a graduate candidate at the December Conferral of Degrees based on academic achievement and excellence in nursing practice evidenced through the application of a nursing framework-based practice, demonstrated evidence of a philosophy of nursing and good interpersonal skills. No longer presented.