School of Nursing

Current Students


Any student applying for initial licensure in any state other than Louisiana must contact that state's board of nursing for initial licensure application information, NCLEX registration, and temporary RN licensure.

Transcript Request


Graduating Students

Candidates for Degrees Spring 2025

Calendar of Events

All events are mandatory for graduating students

Rehearsal & Reception:

Students Only

Tuesday, May 13, 2025 @ 1:00 p.m.

Human Development Center: 1st floor auditorium

Reception Immediately Following Rehearsal



New Orleans Pre-Commencement & Awards Ceremony:

Wednesday, May 14, 2025 @ 08:30 a.m.

Graduation candidates should arrive no later than 07:30 a.m.

UNO Lakefront Arena
6801 Franklin Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70122

OCIS Shreveport Pre-Commencement Ceremony:

Friday, May 09, 2025 @ 04:00 p.m.

Graduation candidates should arrive no later than 03:30 p.m.

Louisiana Health Sciences Center Shreveport Medical School (Building C), Zadeck Conference Room, 1501 Kings Hwy, Shreveport, LA 71103


Thursday, May 15, 2025 @ 10:00 a.m.

Graduation candidates should arrive no later than 09:00 a.m.

UNO Lakefront Arena
6801 Franklin Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70122

Commencement Information [Click Here]

Live Streaming for Pre-Commencement Ceremony and Commencement


Students will be notified as soon as possible of any changes.

Admission and seating for the Pre-Commencement & Award Ceremony and Commencement is on a first come first serve basis. Handicap seating is available; please notify the venue staff at arrival.

Admission is free to all functions. No tickets are required and invitations are not limited.


Additional Information

February, 21, 2025

Dealine to Order Regalia

Ordering of Regalia is the responsibility of the student. Online ordering for regalia is available:

Ordering instructions
• Select your degree: Bachelor, Master or Doctoral (PhD students, see below). 
• Enter your LSUHSC email address and student ID number.  
• Select your height, and weight.  
• Input your address to complete the order.

Regalia will be distributed in the Bookstore in April and students will be notified when pick-up is available.  The only shipping option is for Bookstore delivery.  Students will not be able to ship to home. 

Regalia is included in the student fee bill, so you will not need to enter any payment information on the website.  Note: this excludes PhD students.

PhD students are now required to wear the custom LSUHSC purple regalia. PhD students have the option to either purchase or rent and will need to contact the Bookstore to order. 

Pricing for PhD Student Regalia
Item Rental Purchase
Gown $92.00 $770.00
Hood $54.00 $186.00
Tam/Tassel N/A $124.00


April 18, 2025

Last day to purchase BSN Nursing Pin

Purchasing a BSN Nursing Pin is optional. If purchasing a pin, student must do so through the LSUHSC Bookstore.

Please review the Pinning Request information below for more information on having a family member pin you during the pre-Commencement Award Ceremony on Wednesday.

March 28, 2025

Last day to submit Special Request for Diploma Presentation

Students must submit an official, written request to the Dean of the School of Nursing, Dr. Demetrius Porche, to have someone other than the Dean present diplomas. Considerations are given for a family member employed as a LSUHSC full-time faculty or an elected official. The request must include: student name, name of presenter, relationship, and LSUHSC affiliation.

April 25, 2025

Last day to satisfy all financial obligations with the university, submit name change forms and verification document, and update the "Other" personal email and mailing addresses in self-service. 

Diplomas for graduates will be emailed and mailed to the address on file following commencement.

Modify Addresses Tutorial

Modify Email Tutorial

May 15, 2025

Degree Conferral Date

The Registrar’s Office will mail diplomas 21 days after Commencement. A digital copy of the diploma will be available.


BSN students have the opportunity to purchase a BSN Nursing Pin. Purchasing a Pin is optional.

The LSUHSC SON pin was developed in 1958 to identify the graduates of this program with both the University and the broad service area to which these graduates would contribute as professional nurses. The caduceus embedded in the floor of the lobby of the oldest building in the Louisiana State University Medical Center provided the central ides for the design of the pin. This Assyria-Babylonian symbol represents the Greek God Hermes, who is credited by historians with performing medical functions; it consists of a wand entwined with two serpents and bordered by two griffins. A band enriches the replica of Hermes' caduceus on which the name of the University and the abbreviation for the degrees, BSN, is represented in raised Gothic letters.

Wearing the nursing pin is a source of pride; it symbolizes the right to serve others, acceptance of the responsibilities of the practice of Nursing, and the educational preparation of the wearer as graduates of this program. Pinning is a rite of passage that signals the transition of the student nurse to the professional nurse.

If purchasing a pin, the student must do so through the LSUHSC Bookstore by the deadline listed above.

The pin will be picked up from the bookstore by the Office of Student Affairs and will be taken to the venue for the ceremony. The student will be given the pin when lined up to walk on stage. The student will be pinned by the Program Director.

The BSN student may have a family pin them on stage during the ceremony. The student must submit a written request to be pinned by a family member. The family member must be a Registered Nurse and a graduate from the LSUHSC School of Nursing. The Office of Student Affairs will follow up with the student to confirm the request has been approved or denied. The student must order a BSN Nursing Pin to request to be pinned during the ceremony.

If requesting a family member to pin, the Pinning Request form must be filled out by Date Forthcoming.

Students must submit an official, written request to the Dean of the School of Nursing, Dr. Demetrius Porche, to be excused from participating in Graduation. The request must include the reason for not participating.

Rehearsal: Business casual attire or school uniform are acceptable. Follow Guidelines for Clothing below.

New Orleans Pre-Commencement & Awards Ceremony AND Commencement: Academic regalia: cap and gown, as approved for the degree. The following sash and cord approved:  Baccalaureate Honor cord, Class Officer’s sash, DEI sash and cord, NSNA cord, SGA sash, SNA sash and cord, STTI cord, and SVA sash and cord.

  • Decorations to Academic regalia are not allowed.
  • Do not wear, denim, shorts, scrubs (tops, bottoms, or sets), torn or tattered clothing.
  • Under academic regalia please wear dress slacks {jean, shorts, scrubs are not allowed}, dress shirt, dress)
  • Closed toe shoes preferred (Flip flops, casual sandals, tennis shoes, cowboy boots are not allowed)
  • No purses during ceremony as there is no security guard to watch over.
  • Gum chewing, electronic devices, bull horns/air horns are not allowed.
  • Students will be asked to leave if inappropriately dressed

OCIS Shreveport Pre-Commenement Ceremony: Business professional attire is required for graduating students attending the OCIS Shreveport Pre-Commencement Ceremony.

Personalized announcements for Commencement may be ordered online from Herff Jones:

Blank Commencement announcements, with the official Health Sciences Center seal, may be purchased from the LSUHSC Bookstore.

Students can also purchase diploma frames through the Bookstore (no shipping fee) or two different websites and have it shipped directly to their home.  The websites are listed below.

A commencement ceremony, honoring candidates for degrees of the respective professional schools of the LSU Health Sciences Center, will be held. Payment of all financial indebtedness to the LSU System prior to commencement, as well as attendance at commencement, unless excused, in writing by the student's Dean, is a degree requirement

Summer graduates are allowed to participate in the Fall ceremony. A student must contact the School of Nursing Office of Student Affairs if interested in participating in the Spring Commencement: Names will not be printed in the Fall Commencement program.

Thursday, May 15, 2025, 10:00am
Thursday, December 11, 2025, 10:00am

*Additional School of Nursing requirements include: completion of all end of course evaluations, Skyfactor's Benchworks exit survey (formerly known as EBI), must attend rehearsal and awards ceremony. Additional information is listed in the Nursing section of the LSUHSC Academic Catalog/Bulletin.


Other School of Nursing requirements include: completion of all end of course evaluations and Skyfactor's Benchworks exit survey (formerly known as EBI).

Additional information is listed in the Nursing section of the LSUHSC Academic Catalog/Bulletin.Special Request for Diploma Presentation