Policies and Procedures
Computer Support
- CS-1 Classroom Response System (Rescinded)
- CS-2 Configuration of New Computers
- CS-3 Computer Equipment
- CS-4 Distance Learning Equipment (Rescinded)
- CS-5 FTP Server (Rescinded)
- CS-6 Laptops Taken Home
- School of Nursing Signout Form
- LSUHSC Property Signout Form (obtain from Campus Police)
- CS-7 Live Online Class
- CS-8 Network Use
- CS-9 Learning Management System
- CS-10 Relocating / Replacing Computers
- CS-11 Scanning
- CS-12 Scantron (Rescinded)
- CS-13 Software
- CS-14 Website
- CS-15 Wireless Network Use
- CS-16 Portable Storage Media
- CS-17 The Medical Record Data Infrastructure (MaRDI) & CLIQ Clinical Application
Software (Rescinded)
- CS-18 Screen Saver with Password (Rescinded)
- CS-19 Use of personal laptops for online exams
- CS-20 Purchasing of Office Printers
- CS-21 ADA Testing
- CS-22 Testing Policy (Changed to F-44)
- CS-23 NSTC Exam Room Use
- F-1 Room Request Guidelines
- F-2 Clinical Rotations
- F-3 Committee Assignments (Rescinded)
- F-4 Document & Website Review
- F-5 Emergency Procedures for Faculty and Staff
- F-6 Faculty Responsibilities During Exams
- F-7 Policy Management
- F-8 Emergency Procedures for Students
- F-9 Selection of Clinical/Community Agencies (Rescinded)
- F-10 Student Reading and Assignments (Rescinded)
- F-11 Student Professional Liability Insurance
- F-13 Writing on Exams (Rescinded)
- F-14 New Textbooks/Textbook Adoption (Rescinded)
- F-15 Academic Advising
- Student Advisory Sheet (Located in Office of Student Services/Affairs)
- Petition Form
- Faculty Clearance for Alteration in Student Progression Form
- F-16 Council and Committee Minutes
- F-17 Faculty Access to Student Records (Rescinded)
- F-18 Consortium with the University of New Orleans (UNO) (Rescinded)
- F-19 Independent Study Courses Undergraduate Program (Rescinded)
- F-20 Curriculum Change
- F-21 Course Coordinator
- F-22 Certified Nursing Assistant Program (Rescinded)
- F-23 Educational/Conference Travel Request
- F-24 TurnItIn™ (Faculty)
- F-25 TurnItIn™ (Student)
- F-26 Cross‐Enrollment (Rescinded)
- F-27 Publication of Program and Cost Data
- F-28 Independent Study or Special Topic Course
- F-29 Room Reservation System Use
- F-30 Second Life (Rescinded)
- F-31 Undergraduate Practicum Safety Process and Procedure
- F-32 Curriculum Vitae
- F-33 E*Value: Use and Maintenance
- F-34 Faculty Evaluation Process
- F-35 Local state or national report response plan
- F-36 ATI Exam Policy
- F-37 Animals in the Health Sciences Center Buildings
- F-38 Evaluation of BSN Student Clinical Performance
- F-39 Curriculum Assessment
- F-40 Student Practicum Improvement Plan and Contract
- F-41 Clinical Affiliation Site Identification
- F-42 Clinical Affiliation Site Evaluation
- F-43 DNP Program - Gap Analysis
- F-44 Testing Policy
- F-45_General Examination Policy
- F-46 Reentry and Readmission
Nursing Continuing Professional Development and Entrepreneurial Enterprises
- NCPD-1 Funding for Continuing Education Programs for SON Faculty
- NCPD-2 American Heart Association ECC Training Site
- NCPD-3 Business Practices: Cancellation & Refund Policy (NCPD Activities)
- NCPD-4 Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Education
Nursing Skills and Technology Center/Simulation Center
- NSTC-1 ADA Testing (Rescinded)
- NSTC-2 Course Assignments (Rescinded)
- NSTC-3 CPR Education (Changed to NCPD-4)
- NSTC-4 Lab Site, Equipment, Hardware and/or Supplies Request
- NSTC-5 Loan Guidelines
- LSUHSC Property Signout Form (obtain from Campus Police)
- LSUHSC School of Nursing Loan Guidelines Form (obtain from NSTC)
- NSTC-6 Make-up Exam Policy (Rescinded)
- NSTC-7 Request for New Equipment/Supplies
- NSTC-8 Online Exam Room (Rescinded)
- NSTC-9 Scheduling and Cancellation of Simulation Labs
- NSTC-10 Nursing Skills and Technology Center Confidentiality
Office of Business Affairs
- BO-1 English Proficiency Interview Process (Assessment & Certification of Faculty)
- BO-2 Hiring Process for LSUHSC-NO School of Nursing
- BO-3 Internal Transactions
- BO-4 Termination/Resignation Procedures for Faculty and Staff
- BO-5 Professional Appearance Policy for Administrative Staff
- BO-6 Employees-Process for Requesting LSUHSC ID Badge, Computer Account (Network)
and Email Account
- BO-7 Grant Funded Project Program Income
- BO-8 Professional Nursing Activities
- BO-9 Full-time Equivalency (FTE) of Faculty Appointments
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Office of Nursing Research, Scholarship & Science
- ONRSS -1 Asset Management: Research Related Laptops, Computers, and Other Research
Related Equipment (Rescinded)
- ONRSS-2 Budget Management and Monitoring (Rescinded)
- ONRSS-3 Intent to Submit Research Proposal (Rescinded)
- ONRSS-5 Expenditures of Grant Funds
- ONRSS-6 Requests to Conduct Research: External Sources
- ONRSS-7 Graduate Student Time and Effort
- ONRSS-8 Human Subject Protection Plan for Hurricanes, Emergency Readiness Plan for Human Participants Protection Plan
- ONRSS-9 Letters of Support and Letters of Commitment
- ONRSS-10 Matching and In-Kind Funds Management
- ONRSS-11 Personnel on Grants
- ONRSS-12 Pre-Award Guidelines - Proposal Development
- ONRSS-13 Purchasing Guidelines- Use of the LaCarte System (p-card) (Rescinded)
- ONRSS-14 Purchasing Procedure
- ONRSS-16 Equipment and Property Management
- ONRSS-17 Human Subject Protection Training (Graduate Student)
- ONRSS-18 Human Subject Protection Training (Faculty)
- ONRSS-19 Use of Electronic Technology Equipment/Supplies Purchased with Grant Funds
- ONRSS-20 Personnel on Faculty IRB Studies
- ONRSS-21 Research for All LSUHNO Faculty and Students
- ONRSS-22 Faculty Additional Compensation for Grant Reviews and Substantial Writing
- ONRSS-23 Research Data Stewardship
- ONRSS-24 Research Participant Incentive Policy
Student Services
- SS-1 Administrative Referral
- SS-2 Academic Grievance and Review Procedure
- SS-3 American Disabilities Act Policy
- SS-4 Definition of Complaint & Grievance (Rescinded)
- SS-5 Exit Interview Non-Graduates
- SS-6 License Verification for Students
- SS-7 Release of Student Contact Information (Rescinded)
- SS-8 Student Conduct
- SS-9 Student Organizations Financial Policies
- SS-10 Social Media Acceptable Use Policy
- SS-11 Student Record Retention
- SS-12 Student Complaint Procedure
- SS-13 Student Organizations - Instagram Usage Policy
- SS-14 Scholarship Policy