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Ramping Up
Recruiting Efforts
“I am proud to educate about the nursing profession, mentor people as they develop a plan, and encourage them to never give up on their dream of becoming a nurse.”
Jillian Gibbs
Nurse Recruiter & Marketing Developer
Since Nurse Recruiter & Marketing Developer Jillian Gibbs joined the LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing sta  in 2016, she has been in a constant state of momentum that has helped her reach tens of thousands of prospective nursing students. Her travels have taken her throughout Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, where her passion for education and nursing comes through as she speaks to people at more than 100 career fairs and other events, sharing the innumerable opportunities LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing has to o er.
Reaching out to everyone from middle schoolers to health professionals looking to further their career, Gibbs explains the di erent career paths nursing o ers. “Planting the seed early helps them consider a career path they might not have thought about otherwise,” she says.
Prioritizing Recruitment for Minorities and Underserved Populations
Recruiting and retaining a diverse and inclusive student body is one of the School of Nursing’s major strategic goals. This has led to a number of
initiatives designed to increase the enrollment of minority students and students from underserved rural areas.
“It’s heartbreaking the number of individuals who are not considering a career in nursing because of financial, social or environmental obstacles,” says Gibbs. “I am proud to educate about the nursing profession, mentor people as they develop a plan, and encourage them to never give up on their dream of becoming a nurse. Seeing the look in a person’s eyes when they realize that their aspiration can be in reach is really rewarding.”
In addition to visiting health and
career fairs, Gibbs has also set up tours for families and student groups, and
put together a Minorities in Nursing event for high school students. Ninety students attended the event, where they were given a tour, had the opportunity to ask questions and discovered what it’s like to be a nurse firsthand through the School of Nursing’s state-of-the-art Simulation Center. The event was such a success that the school is planning
to start hosting two or three of these events per year.

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