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O ering Hands-On, Immersive Experiences
Collaborating with the LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine,
the School of Nursing also o ered a three-day immersive experience for those seriously considering a career in nursing. The experience, called Future Nurse Institute Camp, consisted of several lectures, question and answer sessions with di erent types of nurses, time in the Simulation Center, and more.
The impact Gibbs has had is already starting to be seen. Leila Rad, a student currently enrolled in the accelerated Career Alternative RN Education (CARE) program, says that Gibbs’ personal touch really made her decision easy.
“I had been thinking about going into nursing for a while,” explains Leila, “but the career fair was really the first time I seriously considered it. Ms. Gibbs was so open and friendly. She answered all my questions and gave me her number. I called the next week and she walked me through the accelerated program and application process. She made it all so easy.”
In addition to visiting health and career fairs, Gibbs has also set up tours for families and student groups, and put together a Minorities in Nursing event for high school students.
Gibbs plans on returning to the schools and career fairs she has already visited, and she continues to add new events. She’s also had plenty of help from current nursing students, who are always willing to lend their support. “Reaching out regularly and having actual nurses share their experiences with the next generation is essential to the future of nursing,” says Gibbs. “It will help provide a long-term solution to the nursing shortages
we face in our community.”
In 2017,
the School of Nursing held or participated in events at:
3 Middle Schools
12 Colleges
14 Hospitals & Community Health Fairs
31 High Schools &
90 High School Students
Participated in our Minorities in Nursing Event

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