Grant Stipend Request
Clinical Nurse Educator Academy participants who are licensed to practice nursing in Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico, or Oklahoma (Health and Human Services [HHS] region 6) are qualified to receive grant stipends as funds allow. Grant stipends are provided to incentivize nurses to become clinical faculty with Schools of Nursing in HHS region 6 states and/or Preceptors for health care agencies in rural or medically underserved areas of HHS region 6 states.
Upon completion of the Clinical Nurse Educator Academy program and final evaluation, please review the stipend eligibility criteria below. If you meet the criteria, please click the respective link below to submit the required documentation for verification and enrollment into the grant. Upon verification, you will qualify for the respective stipends below as funds allow per grant year.
Stipend 1 Eligibility Criteria:
- All NCPD certificates of program completion (from Modules 1-5, NPACE if applicable, and your Final certificate)
- Unrestricted nursing license in at least 1 of the HHS region 6 states (Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma)
- Verification of nursing practice within the HHS region 6 states (link to template - download to computer, fill out, and upload at the link below)
- Submission of a signed W-9 (link to form - download to computer, fill out, and upload at the link below)
Stipend 2 Eligibility Criteria for Clinical Faculty/Clinical Preceptor Partnership
Agreement Initiation:
To become eligible for the $4000 stipend (Stipend 2), participants can partner with
this grant project and commit to serving as clinical faculty or preceptor for 1 consecutive
year from the date agreement signatures are completed.
- Link to the Clinical Faculty/Clinical Preceptor Partnership Agreement via email request at
- Provide proof of a passing score report and your official NLN CNE-cl Certificate
- Upload the signed Partnership Agreement.
Disclaimer: Participants must remain employed with the specified School of Nursing
or clinical agency for 12 months.
Upon completion of serving as Clinical Faculty or a Clinical Preceptor, participants
are eligible to receive Stipend 2 ($4000) by submitting the criteria below.
Stipend 2 Eligibility Criteria:
- Stipend 1 eligibility criteria is required and will be verified from your initial submission.
- Certification card from the National League for Nursing's CNE-cl examination
- Verification of clinical faculty effort of at least 50% from a School of Nursing, or verification of hours as a clinical preceptor from a Clinical Agency (in a Medically Underserved Area as per HRSA guidelines) documenting at least 300 hours – for one full year following the date of this agreement without any temporary pauses of employment. (link to template - download to computer, fill out, and upload at the link below).
- Active license to practice as an RN (Registered Nurse) or APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurse) in one or multiple HHS Region 6 states.
- NPI number (if applicable)
Stipend Disbursement Information:
Participants should submit the documents for stipend eligibility verification via
the submission link.
Stipends will be processed biweekly (1st and 3rd weeks of the month) and reimbursement will be received within 30 days.