School of Nursing

Nursing Alumni Association

Constitution and Bylaws of the Nursing Alumni of LSUHSC

Adopted: October 24, 1962
First Revision: June 28, 1971
Second Revision: April 28, 1979
Third Revision: September 17, 1991
Fourth Revision: July 15, 1995
Amended: June 22, 2002
Amended: June 21, 2003
Amended: June 19, 2004
Amended: June 18, 2005
Addendum: June 16, 2007
Amended: June 13, 2009
Amended: June 29, 2011

Amended: September 26,2024



This organization shall be known as the Nursing Alumni of LSUHSC (hereafter referred to as the "Association") and its domicile shall be in New Orleans, Louisiana.


The purpose of the Association shall be to:

  1. Provide opportunities for students and alumni to network and exchange mutual personal and professional support.
  2. Enhance the status of the School of Nursing within the university and community.
  3. Increase student recruitment through enhanced visibility and financial support.
  4. Provide mentorship to members.


In order to effectuate the aforesaid purposes, or any other purpose implied thereby or incidental thereto, the Association shall possess the capacity and all of the powers, rights, privileges, and immunities, which are now or may hereafter be accorded to non-profit corporations by the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, including the power to acquire, receive, own, hold, lease, or dispose of property of any nature or description.



Lifetime Membership: Anyone who graduated from LSUMC/LSUHSC School of Nursing (SON) and has paid dues for lifetime membership. Lifetime membership may be conferred by the approval of the Executive Board, upon any LSUMC/LSUHSC SON alumnus, who has rendered outstanding service to the SON. A lifetime member may vote and hold office.

Active Membership: Anyone who graduated from LSUMC/LSUHSC SON and pays annual dues. Upon graduation from LSUMC/LSUHSC SON, all graduates receive a one-year active membership, commencing on their graduation date. An active member may vote and hold office.

Friends of the Alumni: Anyone who is not a graduate of the LSUMC/LSUHSC SON but supports the SON by making payment of current dues rate (annual or lifetime). Friends of the Alumni may vote and/or hold Board Member at Large position.

Honorary Membership: May be conferred by the approval of the Executive Board upon any person who has rendered outstanding service to the SON. An honorary member may not vote or hold office.



SECTION 1 Current Association dues are as follows: Annual dues $25.00 (twenty-five U.S. dollars); Lifetime dues $250.00 (two hundred fifty U.S. dollars) payable one time.

SECTION 2 The annual membership year commences upon payment of dues and ends at the end of the month the following year.



SECTION 1 The Executive Board (hereafter referred to as the "Board") shall consist of the following offices/officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian/Historian, and five (5) Board Members at Large.

SECTION 2 Board members must be an Active, or Lifetime member during their term and be eligible to hold a valid Nursing License.

SECTION 3 Board members are elected during fall semester for a term of two years commencing the beginning of the next fiscal year. The President, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and two (2) Board Members at Large shall be elected on odd years. The Vice President, Treasurer and two (2) Board Members at Large shall be elected on even years.

SECTION 4  Board members make have an excused absence if another board member is notified, within 24 hours of the scheduled Board meeting.

SECTION 5 Vacancies occurring prior to an election will be filled by a majority vote of the Board. Any member filling an unexpired term greater than six (6) months will be considered to have served one term.


SECTION 1 The Board is vested with the authority to:
A) Report general business of the Association transacted in the interim between meetings.
B) Monitor the collection, deposit, and investment of all funds; approve and monitor the disbursement of all funds.
C) Appoint standing and ad-hoc committee chairpersons.
D) Seek successors and fill vacancies of Board offices and committee chairpersons.
E) Perform any other acts necessary to manage the business of the Association.
F) Device measures to increase the association’s membership, credibility, and sphere of influence.

SECTION 2 The Board shall not utilize Association funds for exclusive Board activities without approval of the membership of the Association.


SECTION 1 Only Board members may vote at Board meetings. The President votes only in the case of a tie.

SECTION 2 A majority of Board members will constitute a quorum. A majority vote of Board members present is required for the transaction of business.

SECTION 3 The President may phone poll or electronic poll the Board for emergency decisions between meetings. A majority vote of the Board is required to transact business.

SECTION 4  A proxy vote is given to another Board member when an absence is planned by a Board member. The proxy holder may hold no more than one proxy vote at any meeting. Proxy vote must be submitted electronically to at least two Board members prior to the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting the proxy voting status must be announced and reflected in the meeting minutes.


SECTION 1 The President will:

A) Maintain an Active or Lifetime membership during his/her term and be eligible to hold a valid Nursing License.

B) Preside over and conduct Board and business meetings.

C) Appoint chairpersons of standing and ad-hoc committees, with approval of the Board.

D) Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, except Nominations.

E) Represent the Association at activities of interest.

F) Prepare and distribute an agenda for all meetings at least one week prior to the meeting.

G) Vote to break a tie in a decision made by the Board.

H) Deliver complete records to his/her successor within fifteen (15) days after commencement of the position.

I) Assure all Association records are up-to-date and provided to successors of Board and committee chairperson positions, within fifteen (15) days after commencement of their positions.

J) Present a written annual report of the Association's activities at the annual meeting.

K) Perform or be responsible for all other duties pertaining to the office.

SECTION 2 The Vice President will:

A) Maintain an Active or Lifetime membership during his/her term and be eligible to hold a valid Nursing License.

B) Attend Board meetings.

C) Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence.

D) Act in an advisory capacity at all times.

E) Become President upon vacancy of the office.

F) Serve as the chairperson of the Annual Meeting Committee, a subcommittee of the Programs Committee.

G) Perform all other Association duties deemed necessary by the President.

SECTION 3 The Secretary will:

A) Maintain an Active or Lifetime membership during his/her term and be eligible to hold a valid Nursing License.

B) Attend Board meetings.

C) Keep minutes of all meetings of the Association and deliver complete records to his/her successor within fifteen (15) days after commencement of the position.

D) Send a copy of all minutes to Board members and the Associate Dean of LSUMC/LSUHSC SON Alumni Activities within fifteen (15) days of the meeting.

E) Preserve all papers, letters, and transactions of the Association.

F) Transact the correspondence of the Association.

G) Notify the Board of second and third consecutive absences of Board members.

H) Perform all other Association duties deemed necessary by the President.

I) Serve as the Chairman of the Bylaw Committee for periodic reviews and revisions.

SECTION 4 The Treasurer will:

A) Maintain an Active or Lifetime membership during his/her term and hold a valid Nursing License.

B) Attend Board Meetings.

C) Prepare an annual budget and submit to the Board for approval.

D) Have charge of all monies of the Association and pay bills upon authorization of the Board.

E) Keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements and give a written report at all Board and annual meetings.

F) Disburse monies in excess of $25.00 (twenty-five U.S. dollars) only upon approval of the Board.

G) Disburse monies only after two signatures are placed on the check. Signers are designated by the Board.

H) Submit all books of accounts within fifteen (15) days of election of his/her successor, for audit as specified by the Board.

I) Perform all other Association activities deemed necessary by the President.

SECTION 5 The Parliamentarian/Historian will:

A) Maintain Active or Lifetime membership during his/her term and be eligible to hold a valid Nursing License.

B) Attend Board meetings.

C) Monitor all Association meetings to assure Robert's Rules of Order Revised are followed.

D) Collect and archive all news and activities of the Association.

E) Document news and activities through various media.

F) Perform all other Association activities deemed necessary by the President.

SECTION 6 All Board Members at Large will:

A) Maintain Active or Lifetime membership during his/her term and be eligible to hold a valid Nursing License.

B) Attend Board meetings.

C) Assist in the development and adoption of policies.

D) Assist in the coordination of Association activities.

E) Perform all other Association activities deemed necessary by the President.



SECTION 1 Annual Meeting
The date, place, and time of the annual meeting of the Association's members will be decided by the Board but must be held prior to the end of the current fiscal year. During the annual meeting, an annual report is given, bylaws revisions and amendments are voted on, and election of officers is held.

SECTION 2 Board Meetings
The Board will meet at least quarterly to accommodate business of the Association. Notification of the meeting must be given at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. All Board meetings are open to the general membership of the Association.

SECTION 3 Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the President or any five (5) other Board members. Two weeks’ notice must be given prior to the meeting.



SECTION 1 Appointment to committees is made by approval of the Board from a list of Active, Lifetime, Associate, or Honorary members seeking appointment to the five (5) standing committees. The standing committees include Membership, Scholarship, Programs, Newsletter, and Nominations.

SECTION 2 Committee chairpersons, except Nominations chairperson, are appointed by the President at or immediately following the annual meeting and serve a term of one year. Committee chairpersons may not serve in the same position more than two (2) successive years.

SECTION 3 Standing committees must meet quarterly and submit written reports to the Board. An annual budget must be submitted to the treasurer as requested.

SECTION 4 The President serves as an ex-officio member of all committees, except Nominations.


SECTION 1 Membership

The membership committee will consist of at least three (3) Active, Lifetime, Associate or Honorary members.
This committee will:

A) Devise ways and means to promote and retain increased membership and involvement.

B) Create innovative approaches to recruit new graduates.

C) Submit written reports at all Board and annual meetings.

D) Assures a roster of current members is kept by the office of the Associate Dean of Student and Alumni Affairs.

E) Assures membership cards are distributed to all new and renewing members.

SECTION 2 Scholarship and Awards

The scholarship committee will consist of at least three (3) Active, Lifetime, Associate, or Honorary members.
This committee will:

A) Submit criteria for the scholarships to the Board for approval.

B) Publicize and send information to students about the scholarships.

C) Obtain and select anonymously students for receipt of the scholarships.

D) Award scholarships only if the financial status of the Association permits.

SECTION 3 Programs

The programs committee will consist of at least three (3) Active, Lifetime, Associate, or Honorary members.
This committee will:

A) Plan programs or social events for the Association.

B) Submit proposals for events for Board approval.

C) Implement and coordinate plans for programs and events.

D) Assist the Vice President, chairperson of the Annual Meeting Committee, a subcommittee of the Programs Committee, in planning, submitting the proposal to the Board, and implementing the meeting.

SECTION 4 Newsletter
The newsletter committee will consist of at least three (3) Active, Lifetime, Associate, or Honorary members.
The committee will:

A) Publish a newsletter at least one (1) time per year, based on the financial status of the Association.

B) Solicit contributions from members by publishing deadline dates in advance.

SECTION 5 Nominations

The nominations committee will consist of at least three (3) Active, Lifetime, Associate, or Honorary members, elected at the annual meeting. Nomination committee members are ineligible to run for office during their term.
This committee will:

A) Obtain written consent from each nominee to run for office and prepare a written ballot of at least one nominee for each position.

B) Verify nominees Active or Lifetime membership.

C) Submit biographical data from each nominee and distribute to membership prior to election at the annual meeting.

D) During the election, prior to voting, solicit from the general membership present, additional candidates for office and consent from nomination to run for office.

E) Conduct elections at the annual meeting by secret ballot.

F) Appoint tellers to collect and count votes. Tellers may not be nominees, current Board members or committee chairpersons.

G) Notify membership and Board at the annual meeting of newly elected officers, immediately after tabulation of votes.

H) Assure that the nominees with the highest number of votes cast only by Active and Lifetime members present at the annual meeting constitute an election. In case of a tie, the choice will be decided by a lot (pulling name by chance).



SECTION 1 Ad Hoc committees, such as the Finance/Budget and Bylaws committees are formulated by the Board to address Association activities. Committee chairpersons are appointed by the President. Ad Hoc committees must meet to complete the committee's charges and must submit written reports to the Board. A budget must be submitted as necessary.



SECTION 1 One faculty member of the school of Nursing will serve as SON Liaison to the Alumni Board. This position will be appointed by the Dean and will serve terms at the Dean’s discretion. The liaison will have no voting privileges on the Board.



The fiscal year of the Association begins July 1 and ends June 30 of the next year.



These bylaws may be revised or amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting members present at the annual meeting, or by electronic approval provided that:
1. Written or email notification of proposed revisions or amendments is sent to current members at least fifteen (15) days prior to the annual business meeting.

2. Bylaws are to be reviewed and revised as necessary, but no less than every three years.



A) Call to order by presiding officer

B) Acceptance of the minutes of the preceding meeting

C) Old Business

D) Monthly reports of the Secretary and Treasurer

E) New Business

F) Presentation of special reports

G) Introduction of guest speaker, if applicable, by presiding officer

H) Adjournment



The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the Association in all cases which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of this Association.

ADDENDUM (June 2007 one-time exception)
LSUHSC Nursing Alumni Association has been inactive since August 2005 due to “Katrina” and the recovery of New Orleans.

Dean Demetrius Porche recommended, and it was approved at the 2007 annual luncheon a Constitution and By Laws of Nursing Alumni of LSUHSC one (1) time exception, to Null and Void Section 3 of the By Laws’ statement “No individual may be elected to the same office for more than two successive terms” for the election of 2007. One time Bylaws exception would allow the President, Arlene Rome and Board Members at Large, Barbara Morvant and Dianna Douglas continuation on the Nursing Alumni Board.

Respectfully, with the above recommendation it was approved Arlene Rome, Barbara Morvant and Dianna Douglas were voted into the respected positions, terms shall end as accordingly to By-Law terms of “President shall be elected on odd years… and two (2) Board Members shall be elected on even years and two (2) on odd years.