C3DC Speciality Courses on Needs of Vulnerable Populations During Disaster
– Use the International Council of Nurses (ICN) framework to develop 4 culturally competent interventions essential to meeting health care needs of the senior citizen population, during a disaster cycle
– Identify the health care needs of the obstetrics-delivery/perinatal-neonatal population in culturally diverse communities during disaster phases, using the ICN framework
– Identify the cultural sensitivity in caring for medically needy and terminally ill population during the disaster phase utilizing the ICN framework
– Explain and provide understanding of the cultural competence in caring for children/pediatric population in times of disasters
– Explain the needs of the homeless populations in disaster situations and provide information on how to care for this population in culturally competent manner
– To identify and discuss the cultural competence in caring for people with developmental, intellectual, physical (mobility), and sensory disabilities of the disable population during disasters, incorporating the usage of ICN framework
– To discuss and recognize the unique needs of the rural population facing a disaster situation, and to identify mechanisms to provide care and communication
– To use the ICN framework to develop skills in meeting health care needs of the mental health population, and to identify cultural competence in caring for the mental health population during the disaster phase
– Identify organizational community resources for disaster planning for Limited-English Proficiency (LEP) populations