How Do I Spend My Time?
Tracking your time for one week can provide insight as to whether you are managing your 168 hours a week efficiently. Complete the My Time Appraisal Worksheet to assess how you are spending your time during the course of a week. If your final calculation suggests that you require an adjustment in how you are currently managing your time, immediately restructure how and where you spend your time during a typical week in a semester. Your academic success is highly dependent upon your ability to properly manage your time.
The links below are tools that can assist you in organizing your time.

• To provide a broad perspective of the big picture for the semester
• Allows students to record fixed appointments/activities in one place
• Aids students in drafting a weekly calendar
How can I draft a semester calendar?
• Transfer fixed dates from the academic calendar
• Transfer fixed dates from your syllabi
• List all personal commitments that may affect your ability to study
Click here for Semester Calendar

• To help students identify times designated to certain courses/activities
• To help students organize daily activities during the week
• To encourage students to create to-do lists
How can I draft a weekly calendar?
• List class commitments identified on your semester calendar
• List lecture and lab times
• List extracurricular activities
• List meal times
• List work schedule
• List travel times
• List study times
Click here for Weekly Calendar
Click here for Sample Weekly Calendar

• To encourage students to prioritize their weekly schedule
• To list daily tasks and times allotted to complete each task
• To encourage accountability and support academic success
How can I draft a to-do list?
• Prioritize activities listed on your weekly schedule from high to low
• Be specific and include time frames for each task
• Check off or cross out tasks once completed
Click here for To-Do List